« The more complex the topic, the more an interdisciplinary approach is required. »

François Taddei


Robots at the service of insurance brokers
Journée de l’assurance de dommages, Montréal (Canada), avril 2019

From "human capital" to "human-robot capital".
Montreal CoWork, Montréal (Canada), mars 2019

Let's talk about... digital transformation
Club St-James, Montréal (Canada), novembre 2018

Official launch of JACK, the autonomous security robot
At thecamp, Aix-en-Provence (France), May 2018 

The dawn of a revolution: security in the age of robotics
Chanel, Versailles (France), December 2017

Arrival of the autonomous robots in France: the beginning of a new era for the security industry
AccesSecurity, Marseille (France), March 2017 

A short survival guide to the Indian market
CPA Program - CEPI Management, Bangalore (India), June 2015 (In French)

5 Keys to Successful Export Projects in India
Salon Classe Export, Montreal (Canada) May 2015

Foreign languages and business in an era of glocalization
International Language Fair – Department of Foreign Languages, Bangalore University (India), January 2015 

Leveraging data assets for the benefit of companies... and clients
LAB CMO Seminar (computer-mediated communication laboratory) on the theme: Our digital traces – industry tracking and monetization, UQÀM, Montreal (Canada), November 2013

Customer data: an untapped wealth
SAGE-ACCEO, Montreal & Quebec (Canada), 2013

How Web Technologies can Leverage the Real Estate Client Lifecycle
Case study – Canadian Success Story in the Real Estate Business, Real Estate Marketing Techniques - Building Digital & Online Strategies Symposium, Bangalore (India), June 2014

Long live email marketing!
LinkedQuébec Academy, Montreal (Canada) March 2013

The future is localized! The possibilities offered by geolocation technologies
Intracom, Montreal (Canada), April 2012

Client data: an untapped resource with great potential
SAGE-ACCEO, Montreal & Quebec (Canada), 2013

The New Canadian Anti-Spam Bill: Nightmare or Opportunity?
Standard Life, Montréal, Montréal (Canada), décembre 2012

Email Marketing: effective and profitable for SMEs
CLD, SME Marketing Conference, Montreal (Canada) 2012



Digital, Robotics, Security

Renato Cudicio is currently President of TechNuCom and Glocal Robotics.

Exceptional focus, motivation, and energy, as well as a deep passion for profitability, efficiency and productivity, are the hallmark of Renato Cudicio’s work, both in terms of the methods he uses and the products he develops.

In software engineering as well as robotics engineering, his activity consistently centers on the customer and the user (his client’s customer).

Renato’s long-running interest in operational logistics and field security started early in his career, as his activities, first as TV Producer and then as Office Manager, in areas marked by latent or active conflict – e.g. in Cambodia, Chechnya, Rwanda, Haiti, and Central African Republic – raised his awareness of these issues.

Subsequently, his career as founding entrepreneur of a web agency, in Canada, led him to work with large public and private companies, where security is a top priority. This gave him the opportunity to not only deepen his understanding of security risks, but also apply it to the digital sector.

In 2014, after selling his agency, he took on a triple mission in India:

  • Reengineering a Bangalore-based Canadian company, thus giving it an international profile.

  • Founding Gaja Digital Agency, an international web agency that provides advanced development services (e.g. .Net and PHP Zend, on Open Source transactional platforms such as nopCommerce and Umbraco).

  • Create a division that provides foreign companies with outsourcing consulting services and exports non-offensive security equipment to French-speaking African markets.

This return to physical security renewed Renato’s interest in the security field. In June 2017, after moving to France, he started a business specializing in the distribution of security equipment, including Under Vehicle Scanning Solutions (UVSS) and autonomous security robots.

During the following months, while commercializing and trying to obtain European certification for autonomous machines made for the American market, the challenges he met led him to two strategic insights of major importance:

  • On one hand, a demand will soon emerge for a product that does not yet exist, namely autonomous security robots specifically made for critical sites.

  • On the other hand, his own background in digital technologies, his experience of Agile development techniques and his contacts networks provided him with all the levers he needed to rapidly develop such a solution and thus get ahead of the curve before potential competitors.

And as a matter of fact, Renato did succeed in designing and developing– in record time, i.e. between September 2017 and July 2018 – JACK: specializing in critical sites, this is the first autonomous all-terrain security and intervention robot ever made in France.

Several key factors explain the speed and efficiency of this process:

  • Renato’s very determination

  • The pioneering methods he used, particularly Agile development

  • Tried and true experience in project and team management

  • The enthusiastic collaboration of hand-picked suppliers and team players

  • A very clear (and not yet very widespread) understanding of the challenges posed by robotics, particularly in its integration of electronics, electrical, and mechanical engineering 

Given his unique experience and unparalleled achievements, Renato always looks to the future with confidence!


Renato Cudicio began his international career in the eighties as a journalist-reporter for French magazines and a daily newspaper before becoming a TV Producer then International Manager Broadcast Services for Worldwide Television News (WTN), a subsidiary of the Walt Disney/ABC-Capital Cities network.

He spent two years in Moscow, where he directed the Agency’s activities in the former Soviet Union and oversaw its branches in Ukraine and Georgia. He also worked in Europe, as Office Manager (Brussels), as International Broadcast Services Manager (London), and in Asia, in the Phnom Penh Office, Cambodia (a stay that was to inspire him to make a film). He also travelled to Africa, the Caribbean, and throughout Europe as a producer-director of TV documentaries and news reports.

Convinced from the very beginning of the 90’s that the shift from analog to digital would revolutionize the world of communications, Renato Cudicio focused on the Web, which was still in its infancy. And in 1997, he launched multiplemedia, one of Quebec’s first digital agencies, quickly making his mark by demonstrating his expertise in developing user-friendly interfaces and information architectures focused on effectiveness. 

Renato sold the agency in 2014. 

As President of multiplemedia, backed by a highly talented and seasoned team, he carried out advanced projects for prominent organizations including: 

  • Private corporations: Intact Insurance, Van Houtte, Keurig, CGI, SNC-Lavalin, BrokerLink, the Dalpé-Milette Group

  • Public bodies: Port of Montreal, Hydro-Québec)

  • Government agencies: Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF), Montreal Science Centre), and 

  • Non-profit organizations: CAA-Québec, the Foundation of the Institut de cardiologie de Montréal, the IRSST (Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail), Canadian Association of Geographers (ACAG), the APCHQ (provincial home builders’ association), Special Olympics Québec


At the heart of Renato Cudicio’s success is his ability to surround himself with talented persons who share his ethics and professional standards. Since the beginning of his career, his teams stand out for the quality of their work and their customer service.