Main scientific publications


Christian Licoppe, Serge Proulx and Renato Cudicio, « Contribution et coopération à distance via l’usage de messagerie instantanée en entreprise », p. 233-251, in Web Social, mutation de la communication, by Florence Millerand, Serge Proulx and Julien Rueff, Presses de l’Université du Québec, Québec, 2010


Christian Licoppe, Serge Proulx and Renato Cudicio, « The emergence of a new communicational genre in highly connected organizations: « quick questions » via instant messaging », Études de communication, [Online], 34 | 2010, Published Online June 2012. URL
Full version on Cairn Portal (in French).


Renato Cudicio and Serge Proulx, « Instant Messaging in organizations: Accelerator or brake to productivity? », Semaine de la connaissance, CITE’2006, [Online], juin 2006. Full version (in French) : Messagerie instantanée et productivité (PDF – 256 k)


Renato Cudicio, « Influence of the organizational context on usability Web interfaces », Forum ACFAS 2004, Les usages sociaux innovants des technologies de l’information et de la communication, [Online], May 2004. Full version (in French) : Contexte organisationnel et utilisabilité des interfaces
(PDF – 315 k)


Vallier Lapierre and Renato Cudicio, « La transformation de la chaîne de valeur », p. 29-44, & « Comment garantir l’indispensable sécurité », p. 175-189, in Pour un commerce électronique entre entreprises gagnantes, by Vallier Lapierre, Isabelle Quintin Éditeur, Québec, 2001

Academic activities

Renato Cudicio is holder of a MBA (1999).

He has authored scientific articles on usability and the Web, and he regularly delivers lectures on his favourite themes, also leading world-class research projects. In 2004, as an international expert, Renato Cudicio carried out a mandate, in the framework of a project funded by the European Commission, to assist the Romanian Government in rebuilding the website of the NAC, the State agency that governs broadcasting and telecommunications in Romania. He has also worked on many projects focused on usability and productivity, including his doctoral research, which involves a lab located in Bangalore, India.


Recent conferences

  • Exploiting corporate information assets for the benefit of companies... and customers (in French).
    A seminar by the LAB CMO (computer-mediated communication lab) on the following theme: “Our Digital Trail – Tracking and Monetizing by the Industry”, UQAM, Montreal (Canada), November 2013.
    Chart (in French) on the use of data, from both a user and a business perspective
  • Client data: an untapped resource with great potential
    SAGE-ACCEO, Montreal & Quebec, 2013
  • Long live email marketing!
    LinkedQuebec Academy March 2013 (in French)
  • The New Canadian anti-spam Bill: Nightmare or Opportunity?
    Standard Life, Montreal, December 2012
  • The future is localized! The potential of geolocation technologies
    Intracom, Montréal, April 2012 (in French)
  • Email Marketing: effective and profitable for SME
    CLD, SMEs Marketing Conference, 2012
  • How Internet imposes its law to House Builders
    CAA-Quebec, Montreal & Quebec, 2012
  • Web marketing
    Association québécoise des technologies, Montreal, October 2010 (in French)
  • The emergence of a new communicational genre in highly connected organizations: « quick questions » via instant messaging
    ACFAS 77th Conference, Ottawa University (canada), 2009
  • Knowledge Management in 2.0 Era
    PMA, Montreal (Canada), 2009
  • Investing in the Web in times of economic crisis: unnecessary expense or effective solution?
    Club Gung Ho!, Montreal (Canada), 2008
  • Let’s talk Usability! How User Centered Design lessons can improve video games
    Ubisoft, Montreal (Canada), 2008
  • Web 2.0 and public relations: disaster or business opportunity
    National, Montreal (Canada), 2007
  • Video as an ethnographical research tool: Case Study
    LabCMO Workshop, Montreal (montreal), 2007
  • Instant Messaging in organizations: Accelerator or brake to productivity?
    Semaine de la Connaissance, CITE’2006, Nantes (France), 2006
  • Utilisabilité et fracture numérique: Cause ou solution?
    The Montreal Graduate Symposium on New Media, Internet Studies and Global Governance, McGill University, Montreal (Canada), 2005
  • Usability at the center of the digital divide
    UPA (Usability Professional Association), International Conference, Montreal (Canada), 2005